What is Past Continuous tense ? Learn about concepts of Past Continuous Tense in Urdu, In This English Grammar Series in Urdu Part- 10, Some Notes, Slides, PDF Downloads.
So in this English Grammar in Urdu Series part 10. We will Learn everything about Past Continuous Tense & Its Negative form Definitions examples also about Past Continuous Interrogative sentences. Learn complete concepts. If you have any question? Comment below.
Past Continuous Tense
The Past Continuous tense, also known as the Past Progressive tense, is a verb tense that is used to describe an action that was ongoing in the past and was interrupted by another action or event.
ماضی کے ترقی پسند زمانہ کے نام سے بھی جانا جاتا ہے، ایک فعل کا زمانہ ہے جو کسی ایسے عمل کو بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے جو ماضی میں جاری تھا اور کسی اور عمل یا واقعے سے اس میں خلل پڑا تھا۔
Subject + Was/Were + Verb 4th (ING) + Object
I was dancing at that moment.
This tense is formed by using the past tense of the verb “to be” (was/were) followed by the present participle (verb + -ing).
Here are some examples listed below of sentences in the Past Continuous tense:
- Imran & John were playing soccer in the park when it started to rain. (عمران اور جان پارک میں فٹ بال کھیل رہے تھے جب بارش شروع ہو گئی۔)
- She was singing a song when her friend called her. (وہ ایک گانا گا رہی تھی جب اس کے دوست نے اسے بلایا۔)
- He was studying for the test when his phone rang. (وہ ٹیسٹ کے لیے پڑھ رہا تھا کہ اس کے فون کی گھنٹی بجی۔)
- They were playing tennis when it began to get dark. (وہ ٹینس کھیل رہے تھے جب اندھیرا ہونے لگا۔)
- She was cooking dinner while he was setting the table. (جب وہ میز لگا رہا تھا تو وہ رات کا کھانا بنا رہی تھی۔)
Note:- that the Past Continuous tense emphasizes the duration of the action or event that was happening in the past. It is often used in conjunction with the Past Simple tense to describe a longer, interrupted action and the interrupting action that occurred in the past.

Past Continuous Negative Tense
To form the negative of the Past Continuous tense, we use the negative form of the verb “to be” (was/were not) followed by the present participle (verb + -ing).
Subject + Was/Were + Not + Verb 4th (ING) + Object
I was not dancing at that moment.
Here are some examples listed below of negative sentences in the Past Continuous tense:
- Imran & John were not playing soccer in the park when it started to rain. (عمران اور جان پارک میں فٹ بال نہیں کھیل رہے تھے جب بارش شروع ہو گئی۔)
- She was not singing a song when her friend called her. (جب اس کے دوست نے اسے بلایا تو وہ گانا نہیں گا رہی تھی۔)
- He was not studying for the test when his phone rang. (وہ ٹیسٹ کے لیے پڑھ نہیں رہا تھا کہ اس کا فون بجا۔)
- They were not playing tennis when it began to get dark. (جب اندھیرا ہونے لگا تو وہ ٹینس نہیں کھیل رہے تھے۔)
- We were not visiting our grandparents when the power went out. (جب بجلی چلی گئی تو ہم اپنے دادا دادی سے ملنے نہیں جا رہے تھے۔)
Note:- In each of these examples, “was not” or “were not” is used to create the negative form of the Past Continuous tense, and the present participle of the verb follows it. Note that we can also use the contracted form “wasn’t” or “weren’t” instead of “was not” or “were not”.
Past Continuous Interrogative Tense
To form the interrogative or question form of the Past Continuous tense, we invert the subject and the auxiliary verb “to be” (was/were) and place them at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the present participle (verb + -ing).
Was/Were + Subject + Verb 4th (ING) + Object
Was he dancing at that moment ?
Here are some examples listed below of interrogative sentences in the Past Continuous tense:
- Were Imran & John playing soccer in the park when it started to rain. (کیا عمران اور جان پارک میں فٹ بال کھیل رہے تھے جب بارش شروع ہو گئی۔)
- Was she singing a song when her friend called her? (کیا وہ گانا گا رہی تھی جب اس کے دوست نے اسے بلایا؟)
- Was he studying for the test when his phone rang? (کیا وہ ٹیسٹ کے لیے پڑھ رہا تھا جب اس کے فون کی گھنٹی بجی؟)
- Were they playing tennis when it began to get dark? (کیا وہ ٹینس کھیل رہے تھے جب اندھیرا ہونے لگا؟)
- Were we visiting our grandparents when the power went out? (جب بجلی چلی گئی تو کیا ہم اپنے دادا دادی سے ملنے جا رہے تھے؟)
Note:- In each of these examples, the subject and the auxiliary verb “to be” (was/were) are inverted to form the question form of the Past Continuous tense. Also note that we can also use question words like “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” to ask more specific questions about the ongoing past event. For example: “What were Anna & Rayan doing while Jean was setting the table.?” or “How long were they playing tennis before it got dark?”
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