has to have to in urdu, english grammar in urdu series

Has to Have to In Urdu Explained English Grammar in Urdu, Definitions, Examples, Tenses. Download part 12

Has to Have to In Urdu, Explained Use of Has to and Have to in English Grammar explained in Urdu, Definitions, Examples, Tenses. PDF, Slides Download. part 12

Welcome back to our English Grammar in Urdu series, so What is has to and have to used for ? in this post we are going to learn all about Has to and Have to use of has to have to in urdu English Grammar learn in Urdu all definitions sentence and more.

What is use of Has to and Have to in Urdu ?

Here is how we use: “Has to” and “have to” are both used to express obligations or requirements (ذمہ داریاں یا تقاضے) in English grammar. They indicate that something is necessary or mandatory. However, those are used depending on subject.

وہ اشارہ کرتے ہیں کہ کچھ ضروری یا لازمی ہے۔ دونوں استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ “Has to” اور “have to” انگریزی گرامر میں ذمہ داریوں یا تقاضوں کو ظاہر کرنے کے لیے

However, those are used depending on subject.

has to have to in urdu, Has to Have to In Urdu Explained English Grammar in Urdu, Definitions, Examples, Tenses. PDF slides download.

Has to have to in urdu Examples:

  1. “Has to” is used when the subject of the sentence is a third-person singular pronoun (he, she, it) or a singular noun:
    • Example: Alina has to attend the meeting. (علینہ کو میٹنگ میں شرکت کرنی ہے۔)
    • Example: The dog has to be walked every day. (کتے کو ہر روز چلنا پڑتا ہے۔)
  2. “Have to” is used when the subject of the sentence is a first-person pronoun (I, we), a second-person pronoun (you), or a plural noun:
    • Example: I have to finish my blogging work. (مجھے اپنا بلاگنگ کا کام ختم کرنا ہے۔)
    • Example: You have to pay the bill. (آپ کو بل ادا کرنا ہوگا۔)
    • Example: They have to follow the rules. (انہیں قوانین پر عمل کرنا ہوگا۔)
    In negative sentences and questions, “has to” and “have to” are modified using “do not” (don’t) or “does not” (doesn’t) for negation, and “do” or “does” for questions:
    Negative example (منفی مثال): He doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. (اسے ہفتہ کے دن کام کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔).
    Question example (سوال کی مثال): Do you have to wake up early? (کیا آپ کو جلدی جاگنا ہے؟).
    It’s worth noting that “have to” can also be used to express strong recommendations or strong suggestions, while “has to” is used specifically for obligations or requirements.

Has to Have to Use in Past Tenses Explained.

Here is : “has to” and “have to” can be used in the past tense to express obligations or requirements that existed in the past. In the past tense, they are typically modified with the auxiliary verb “had” to indicate that the obligation or requirement occurred before the present moment.

  1. “Had to” is used when the subject of the sentence is a third-person singular pronoun (he, she, it) or a singular noun:
    • Example: She had to complete the assignment yesterday. (اسے کل اسائنمنٹ مکمل کرنی تھی۔).
    • Example: The Company had to meet the deadline. (کمپنی کو آخری تاریخ کو پورا کرنا تھا۔).
  2. “Had to” is also used when the subject of the sentence is a first-person pronoun (I, we), a second-person pronoun (you), or a plural noun:
    • Example: I had to work late last night. (مجھے کل رات دیر سے کام کرنا پڑا۔).
    • Example: they had to cancel their plans. (انہیں اپنا منصوبہ منسوخ کرنا پڑا۔).
    In negative sentences and questions in the past tense, “had to” is modified using “did not” (didn’t) or “did” for negation, and “did” for questions:
    Negative example (منفی مثال): He didn’t have to attend the conference. (اسے کانفرنس میں شرکت کی ضرورت نہیں تھی۔).
    Question example (سوال کی مثال): Did you have to take the test? (کیا آپ کو ٹیسٹ دینا تھا؟).
    To summarize, in the past tense, “has to” becomes “had to” regardless of the subject, and “have to” also becomes “had to” for all subjects.

Has to Have to Use in Future Tenses Explained.

In future tenses, “has to” and “have to” are not used directly. Instead, modal auxiliary verbs are used to express obligations or requirements in the future.

براہ راست استعمال نہیں ہوتے ہیں۔ اس کے بجائے، موڈل معاون فعل “has to” اور “have to” مستقبل میں ذمہ داریوں یا تقاضوں کے اظہار کے لیے استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ مستقبل کے دور میں

The modal verbs “will” and “shall” can be combined with “have to” to convey future obligations. Here’s how it works:

  1. “Will have to” is used when the subject of the sentence is a first-person pronoun (I, we), a second-person pronoun (you), a third-person pronoun (he, she, it), or a plural noun:
    • Example: I will have to submit the report by tomorrow. (مجھے کل تک رپورٹ پیش کرنی ہوگی۔).
    • Example: They will have to attend the meeting next week. (انہیں اگلے ہفتے اجلاس میں شرکت کرنا ہوگی۔).
    • Example: She will have to study for the exam. (اسے امتحان کے لیے پڑھنا پڑے گا۔).
  2. “Shall have to” is primarily used with the first-person pronoun “I” to express future obligations. However, in modern English, “will” is more commonly used:
    • Example: I shall have to prepare for the presentation. (مجھے پریزنٹیشن کی تیاری کرنی ہوگی۔).
    It’s important to note that the use of “will” and “shall” for expressing future obligations can vary depending on regional and contextual factors. In many cases, “will have to” is the more common and widely accepted construction.
    Here’s an example of a negative sentence and a question in the future tense:
    Negative example (منفی مثال): She will not have to work on weekends. (اسے ویک اینڈ پر کام نہیں کرنا پڑے گا۔).
    Question example (سوال کی مثال): Will you have to attend the conference? (کیا آپ کو کانفرنس میں شرکت کرنا پڑے گی؟).
    In summary, to express future obligations, you would use “will have to” or “shall have to” in combination with the appropriate subject pronoun.

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