past perfect tense definitions examples

Past Perfect Tense, Definitions, Sentences, Examples, English Grammar in Urdu & Sindhi Part 11.

What is Past Perfect Tense? It’s Definitions, Sentences, Examples, English Grammar in Urdu & Sindhi series

In this article of the English Grammar in Urdu series part 11. We will learn about the past perfect tense its definitions, sentences with examples in Urdu. Make sure to read all about past perfect negative & interrogative forms etc. If want to ask anything comment below!

What is Past Perfect tense ?

The Past Perfect tense is a grammatical tense used to describe an action that occurred before another past action or time.

ماضی پرفیکٹ زمانہ ایک گرامر کا زمانہ ہے جو کسی ایسے عمل کو بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے جو ماضی کے کسی دوسرے عمل یا وقت سے پہلے ہوا ہو۔

It is formed by using the auxiliary verb “had” followed by the past participle of the main verb.

The structure or formula of the Past Perfect tense is:

Subject + had + past participle of verb

She had finished her breakfast.

For example:

  1. She had finished her breakfast when the phone rang. (وہ ناشتہ کر چکی تھی کہ فون کی گھنٹی بجی۔)
  2. They had studied enough for the exam, so they didn’t do well. (انہوں نے امتحان کے لیے کافی مطالعہ کیا تھا، اس لیے انھوں نے اچھا نہیں کیا۔)
  3. He had seen his grandparents in years before they surprised him with a visit. (اس نے اپنے دادا دادی کو برسوں میں دیکھا تھا اس سے پہلے کہ وہ اس کے دورے سے حیران ہوں۔)
  4. The restaurant had run out of the special dish, so we had ordered it. (ریستوراں میں اسپیشل ڈش ختم ہو چکی تھی، اس لیے ہم نے اسے آرڈر کر دیا تھا۔)
  5. I had realized how tired I was until I tried to stay awake during the movie. (جب تک میں نے فلم کے دوران جاگنے کی کوشش نہیں کی تب تک میں نے محسوس کیا تھا کہ میں کتنا تھکا ہوا تھا۔)

Note:- In each of these examples, the Past Perfect tense is used to describe an action that occurred before another past action or time. In the first example, “had finished” describes an action that occurred when “phone rang”

In the second example, “had studied” occurred before “exams.” And in the third example, “had seen” occurred before they surprised him.

Past Perfect Tense, Definitions, Sentences, Examples, English Grammar in Urdu & Sindhi Part 11.
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Past Perfect Negative tense

Certainly, here are five examples of the Past Perfect tense in the negative form:
Subject + had + not + past participle of verb

She had not finished her breakfast.

For example:

  1. She hadn’t finished her breakfast when the phone rang. (اس نے اپنا ناشتہ ختم نہیں کیا تھا کہ فون کی گھنٹی بجی۔)
  2. They hadn’t studied enough for the exam, so they didn’t do well. (انھوں نے امتحان کے لیے کافی مطالعہ نہیں کیا تھا، اس لیے انھوں نے اچھا نہیں کیا۔)
  3. He hadn’t seen his grandparents in years before they surprised him with a visit. (اس نے برسوں میں اپنے دادا دادی کو نہیں دیکھا تھا اس سے پہلے کہ انہوں نے اسے ایک دورے سے حیران کیا ہو۔)
  4. The restaurant had run out of the special dish, so we hadn’t ordered it. (ریستوراں میں اسپیشل ڈش ختم ہو چکی تھی، اس لیے ہم نے اسے آرڈر نہیں کیا تھا۔)
  5. I hadn’t realized how tired I was until I tried to stay awake during the movie. (جب تک میں نے فلم کے دوران جاگنے کی کوشش نہیں کی تب تک مجھے احساس نہیں تھا کہ میں کتنا تھکا ہوا تھا۔)


  1. In each of these examples, the negative form of the Past Perfect tense is used to indicate that an action had not been completed before another action or event occurred.
  2. In the first sentence, “hadn’t finished” indicates that the action of finishing breakfast did not occur before the phone rang.
  3. In the second sentence, “hadn’t studied” indicates that the action of studying was not completed before the exam. In the third sentence, “hadn’t seen” indicates that the action of seeing his grandparents had not occurred in years.
  4. In the fourth sentence, “hadn’t ordered” indicates that the action of ordering the special dish did not occur due to the restaurant running out of it.
  5. And in the fifth sentence, “hadn’t realized” indicates that the speaker was not aware of their level of tiredness before attempting to stay awake during the movie.

Past Perfect Interrogative tense

Certainly, here are five examples of the Past Perfect tense in the interrogative form:
Had + subject + past participle of verb

had She finished her breakfast?

For example:

  1. Had you ever been to New York before your trip last month? (کیا آپ پچھلے مہینے اپنے سفر سے پہلے کبھی نیویارک گئے تھے؟)
  2. Had they finished their project before the deadline? (کیا انہوں نے اپنا پروجیکٹ ڈیڈ لائن سے پہلے مکمل کر لیا تھا؟)
  3. Had he lived in the city for long before he moved to the countryside? (کیا وہ دیہی علاقوں میں منتقل ہونے سے پہلے شہر میں طویل عرصے تک رہتا تھا؟)
  4. Had the concert started when you arrived? (کیا آپ کے پہنچنے پر کنسرٹ شروع ہو گیا تھا؟)
  5. Had the package been delivered before you left for work? (کیا آپ کے کام پر روانہ ہونے سے پہلے پیکج پہنچا دیا گیا تھا؟)


  1. In each of these examples, the Past Perfect tense is used in the interrogative form to ask about an action or event that occurred before another past event.
  2. In the first sentence, “Had you ever been” asks if the action of visiting New York had occurred before the speaker’s recent trip.
  3. In the second sentence, “Had they finished” asks if the action of finishing their project had occurred before the deadline.
  4. In the third sentence, “Had he lived” asks if the action of living in the city had occurred before moving to the countryside.
  5. In the fourth sentence, “Had the concert started” asks if the action of starting the concert had occurred before the speaker’s arrival.
  6. And in the fifth sentence, “Had the package been delivered” asks if the action of delivering the package had occurred before the speaker left for work.

Hope! you learned Past perfect tense in Urdu complete guide. Some FAQ: What is past perfect tense in urdu? past perfect negative & Interrogative examples in Urdu, and also in Sindhi.

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