Thread App Download and Use How thread app works? thread vs Twitter Downloads verifications and everything to know about Thread as Instagram app.
Tags: threads, threads app, threads instagram, instagram threads, instagram threads app, threads
Here we will discuss about Thread App. How does thread app works? How to download thread app as an Instagram, Thread vs Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon musk. Thread has millions of downloads since published on Google Play & Apple App Store.
Thread Mark Zuckerberg
Thread is another popular social network platform to connect with people and follow anyone like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It is recently launched by Meta which is owned by Mark Zuckerberg who is founder of popular social network like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

What is thread as an Instagram app?
So what is threads and why should you care well it’s a social media app from Meta as we can see by the name threads in Instagram app but more importantly if you’re a fan of Twitter but not so much a fan of how it’s changed lately well this is another replacement but unlike blue sky or mastodon it actually has a large built-in user base already because it automatically ports over Instagram profile so all you have to do as download the threads app and then assuming you have an active Instagram account.

Create Account Signup or login Thread
It already links everything takes like three seconds to finish of your profile and there is an option to follow the account and already following in Instagram and if they don’t yet made threads account when they sign up it’ll auto follow that person

Thread vs Twitter
for you so honestly it’s unlike any of other replacement apps because you already have people that you know on the platform that you can already interact with the app came early which was supposed to be today but it actually came out late last evening and honestly it was a lot of fun it was like the early days of twitter and Instagram.

lots of people on their lots of people engaging and it was just something that I have not seen yet on the twitter replacement so the app itself is actually incredibly simple it looks a lot like twitter and Instagram mixed into one I will stress that if you go to your main you know timeline here which is the home button or the home tab you are going to see a lot of threads I guess is what we’re going to call them from people that you do know and people that you don’t know and that is by design right now it might seem like a lot of people that you don’t know and
Thread User interface
I’m guessing that’s going eventually change as more and more users sign up and use the platform in fact that’s what the head of Instagram and threads has actually said so right now you’re going to see a lot of people that you don’t know and eventually there’s going to be improvements to the app I hope but right now so here’s your home view.

And then you can go to search and it’ll give you a recommendation on people to follow the middle is where you compose a new thread and you can add photos and videos however the photos
Thread App is crashing
part for me and a lot of other users is actually just crashing there is a work around I’ve just been copying and pasting photos that seems to work for me right now but as of this current moment again it’s very early you know part of the launch adding a photo here it insta crash as you will see and that was not a pun but that was pretty clever so it instantly crashes if you try to add a photo.

Activity in Threads
But here is where you’ll see your activities so you can actually sort by all replies mention and verified which is pretty nice you can sort through all of different things and then here’s your profile you can instantly share your profile which by the way follow me on threads at name which is anyone’s handle and then of course follow other accounts.
When you set up your profile as thread user you will see the badge of thread on your Instagram profile also so there is option to use thread easily from Instagram profile.
Threads followers
Who is following you on Instagram can easily accessed from thread means your Instagram followers will be your thread follower both are same platform but thread mostly look like Twitter which is already an popular social network owned by Elon musk.

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