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past simple tense in urdu

Past Indefinite Tense, All Concepts, Definitions, Examples, Sentences. English Grammar in Urdu & Sindhi Part-8

Learn all about Past Indefinite Tense in Urdu all examples, definitions, grammar rules.

Welcome Here! This is part 8 of the English Grammar Series in Urdu. We are going to learn Past Indefinite Tense, also know as Past Simple. Cover these concepts related with sentence, with simple definitions and examples in Urdu.

What is Past Indefinite Tense ?

The Past Indefinite tense, also known as the Simple Past tense, is a verb tense that is used to describe actions or events that took place in the past and are now finished or completed. In this tense, regular verbs form the past tense by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb, while irregular verbs have their own unique past tense forms.

.سادہ ماضی کے طور پر بھی جانا جاتا ہے، ایک فعل ہے جو ماضی میں ہونے والے اعمال یا واقعات کو بیان کرنے کے لئے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے اور اب ختم یا مکمل ہو چکا ہے. اس تناؤ میں

Subject + Verb (2ndForm) + Object
I walked to the store yesterday

Here are some examples of sentences in the Past Indefinite tense:

  • I walked to the store yesterday. (میں کل دکان پر گیا تھا۔)
  • She sang (گایا) a song at the concert last night. (اس نے کل رات کنسرٹ میں ایک گانا گایا)
  • He studied for three hours before the test. (اس نے ٹیسٹ سے پہلے تین گھنٹے تک مطالعہ کیا۔)
  • They played tennis every weekend when they were younger. (جب وہ چھوٹے تھے تو وہ ہر ہفتے کے آخر میں ٹینس کھیلتے تھے۔)
  • We visited our grandparents(دادا دادی) over the summer. (ہم گرمیوں میں اپنے دادا دادی سے ملنے گئے۔)

Note:- that the Past Indefinite tense is typically used to describe completed actions or events that occurred at a specific time in the past, and it is often accompanied by time markers such as yesterday, last week, or in 1999.

Past Indefinite Negative Tense.

To form the negative of the Past Indefinite tense, also known as Simple Past tense, we use the auxiliary verb “did” followed by “not” (didn’t), and the base form of the main verb.

Subject+ Did + Not + Verb (Base Form) + Object
I didn’t walk to the store yesterday

Here are some examples of negative sentences in the Past Indefinite tense:

  • I didn’t walk to the store yesterday. (میں کل اسٹور پر نہیں گیا تھا۔)
  • She didn’t sing a song at the concert last night. (اس نے کل رات کنسرٹ میں کوئی گانا نہیں گایا)
  • He didn’t study for the test. (اس نے امتحان کے لیے مطالعہ نہیں کیا۔)
  • They didn’t play tennis every weekend when they were younger. (جب وہ چھوٹے تھے تو وہ ہر ہفتے کے آخر میں ٹینس نہیں کھیلتے تھے۔)
  • We didn’t visit our grandparents over the summer. (ہم گرمیوں میں اپنے دادا دادی سے نہیں ملتے تھے۔)

Note:- In each of these examples, “did” is used to create the negative form of the Past Indefinite tense, and “not” (didn’t) is added before the main verb to indicate the negation of the action or event.

past indefinite tense, past simple tense, sain azeem, english grammar in urdu, Past Indefinite Tense, All Concepts, Definitions, Examples, Sentences. English Grammar in Urdu & Sindhi Part-8

Past Indefinite Interrogative Tense.

To form the interrogative or question form of the Past Indefinite tense, also known as Simple Past tense, we use the auxiliary verb “did” before the subject, and the base form of the main verb.

Subject+ Did + Not + Verb (Base Form) + Object
I didn’t walk to the store yesterday

Here are some examples of interrogative sentences in the Past Indefinite tense:

  1. Did I walk to the store yesterday? (کیا میں کل دکان پر گیا تھا؟)
  2. Did she sing a song at the concert last night? (کیا اس نے کل رات کنسرٹ میں کوئی گانا گایا تھا؟)
  3. Did he study for the test? (کیا اس نے امتحان کے لیے مطالعہ کیا؟)
  4. Did they play tennis every weekend when they were younger? (جب وہ چھوٹے تھے تو کیا وہ ہر ہفتے کے آخر میں ٹینس کھیلتے تھے؟)
  5. Did we visit our grandparents over the summer? (کیا ہم گرمیوں میں اپنے دادا دادی سے ملنے گئے؟)

Note:- In each of these examples, “did” is used to create the question form of the Past Indefinite tense, and it is placed before the subject. Note:- that in the question form, the main verb remains in the base form. Additionally, we can use question words like “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” to ask more specific questions about the past event. For example: “What did you do yesterday?” or “How (کیسے) did you get to the party last night?”

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